High latitude growers of top quality, leaf-off strawberry runners.
JCLM Farming are family owned growers at Ouse in Tasmania’s Derwent Valley.
Situated on the Derwent River, (southern Australia’s largest river by estuary outflow) in the middle of Tasmania, we’re well placed to offer a secure supply of high-chill strawberry runners.
With varieties to suit both summer and winter production and a proven history of customer service, we’d be pleased to help supply your plants.

Florida Beauty
Dr. Vance Whitaker, University of Florida
Dr. Mark Herrington, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Excellent flavour
Uniformly well-shaped
Bright red and glossy
Good shelf life and transportability
Breeder: UC Davis
Outstanding late season productivity and exceptionally high yields of marketable fruit
Extra large, firm, visually appealing fruit
Highly resistant to Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt
Reduced runnering in fruit production
This cultivar is consistently the late season yield leader
Royal Royce
Breeder: UC Davis
Exceptionally high yields of marketable fruit
Consistently produces large visually appealing fruit over a long growing season
Produces fewer runners in berry production, resulting in lower production costs
Long shelf life fruit with good flavour and sugar-acid
Breeder: UC Davis
An outstanding day-neutral cultivar for organic and conventional production systems
Consistently produces high yields early in the growing season
Highly productive in warmer environments where day-neutral cultivars thrive
Very large, flavourful, visually appealing fruit
We have seasonal positions available.
- Casual tractor driving jobs (available now)
- Casual harvest jobs (starting from the end of March through to mid-June)
Please fill in the form below indicating the position you are interested in or send your CV to jack@jclmfarming.com.au.